Golden Mountain Doodles:
The golden mountain doodle is made up of a golden retriever, Bernese mountain dog and poodle. This cross blends the clever, yet amusing side of the poodle with the placid, loyal, loving nature of the golden retriever and Bernese mountain dog.
Golden Mountain Doodles are energetic just like their parent breeds. Exercise and socialization allow them to work through their excess energy and help them to focus on learning the lay of the land or just a simple trick.
While many mixed breeds come in three or more sizes, Golden Mountain Doodles only come in two. Those sizes are standard and mini. The size of the Golden Mountain Doodle depends on the genetic makeup of the parents that are being bred.
For example, the smaller the puppy, it’s more likely that a Miniature Poodle was used in creating that specific line.
There’s not much to dislike about this loving and playful breed. Just make sure that you have the time, attention and space to dedicate to their needs and your family is up to being furry team players.
Doodle Colors:
There are several genes that control the coat color and pattern of dogs, including the Agouti gene, the Extension gene, and the Dilution gene. The Agouti gene controls the distribution of pigments along the hair shaft and determines whether a dog's coat will have a solid color or a pattern. The Extension gene controls the production of eumelanin and determines whether a dog's coat will be black or brown. The Dilution gene controls the intensity of the coat color and can cause a dog's coat to appear lighter or more muted.
Doodles come in a wide variety of colors, ranging from solid colors to various coat patterns. In addition to the colors that are common in Phantom doodles, here are some other colors that doodles can be:
Phantom: Doodles gets its unique coat coloring from its Poodle parent. Poodles are known for having a variety of coat colors and patterns, including the Phantom coloring. The Phantom coloring is characterized by a solid base color, such as black, brown, or grey, with distinct markings that are usually a lighter color. The markings appear on specific areas of the dog's body, such as the eyebrows, muzzle, legs, and chest, and can give the dog a striking and unique appearance.
A tri-color doodle is a doodle with black, rust, and white coloring. Tricolor doodles may or may not have white on the face. A traditional tricolor doodle looks similar to a Bernese Mountian Dog. Tricolor doodles can have a full white mask or limited white.
White: Doodles an have a cream-colored coat, which can range from a light white to a deep golden hue.
Apricot: This is a popular color for doodles, and it can range from a pale yellow to a deep orange.
Chocolate: Doodles ave a chocolate coat, which can range from a light to a darker chocolate color.
Parti: Doodles an also have a Parti coat pattern, which features two or more distinct colors in a specific pattern. This can include combinations of white, black, brown, and other colors.
Champagne & Chalk :These are two different colors, but very similar. Champagne is a light blonde and chalk is cream, but not an off-white cream, as it seems like Chalk almost has a drop or two of blonde as well. Some pups will start out Champagne (bottom left) and either, stay Champagne, darken to a light Golden (Farmers Market pup above) or lighten to a Chalk (top left). You can have Champagnes and Chalks in both the Red family of colors and the Chocolate family of colors. Gorgeous color coat, quite unique
Tri Blue Merle doodles are not considered a distinct breed of doodles. Instead, Merle is a coat color and pattern that varies in intensity and pattern from dog to dog. The Merle color and pattern can only be seen on the black base color of a doodle and not on any white or tan markings.
Overall, doodles come in a wide variety of colors and coat patterns, which can make them a popular and attractive choice for many families
Early Neurological Stimulation:
Early Neurological Stimulation was first developed by the US Military to improve the performance of future military dogs. The program created by the US Military was called “Bio Sensor” and it’s often referred to as the “Super Dog” Program. Today, it’s also known as Early Neurological Stimulation and many breeders utilize this method when
Based on research, the US Military concluded that puppies experience their first rapid neurological development phase during the neonatal period. This is also the optimal time to conduct neurological stimulation exercises. That’s because during the neonatal period, puppies are extremely sensitive and receptive to stimulations.
So, what is Early Neurological Stimulation for puppies? To put it simply, ENS introduces puppies to mild forms of stimulations and stressors. These stimulations can kick start their neurological system and improve their natural abilities.
Early socialisation is crucial to the development of your puppies. Outside of the usual puppy socialisation protocols, there are five early puppy stimulation exercises that I’d like to introduce you to.
The workouts required handling them one at a time while performing a series of five exercises. Listed in order of preference, the handler starts with one pup and stimulates it using each of the five exercises. The handler completes the series from beginning to end before starting with the next pup. The handling of each pup once per day involves the following exercises:
• Tactical stimulation (between toes)
• Head held erect
• Head pointed down
• Supine position
• Thermal stimulation
They measured the effects of this gentle handling on the pup's behavior in tests consisting of brief isolation, an open field, and on measured heart rate. They found that the handled pups showed more locomotion in an isolation test at 8 weeks of age and were calmer and more emotionally stable than the non-handled pups.
Misty Method:
We use the misty method to help start potty training. We use fake grass pads as potty areas and change linens multiple times a day so they are soon attracted to the grass. Once they are old enough to go outside, they are aware grass is meant to go potty on.
How does it work?
This means there are a designated potty area, a place to eat and play, and a place to sleep. After puppies eat, they naturally feel the need to eliminate. This good little puppy has left the play/eating area and made his way into the potty area to do his business. What a good puppy! This is the first step toward potting training a puppy. Potty training should start with the breeder.
Puppies raised using this method are easier to housebreak and have fewer accidents in the house, as you are distilling the concept of housebreaking to them at a very young age. They learn from the start there is a place to sleep, a place to play, a place to eat and a place to eliminate and they will carry this concept with them after they leave the breeder